Monday, May 23, 2016

May 22, 2016

Hello everyone! 

So this last week was full of miracles in the mission, our whole mission joined together in a fast to have greater faith greater love more dependence on the spirit and to reach our mission goal of baptisms. and we got a special surprise at the end of the fast! President and Sister Maxwell called every missionary on a conference call and spoke to us! They are such amazing people, I'm sad that they are going home but I am excited to meet our new mission president and companion the vidmars! 
      So this month we have had some changes, the zone that we are in has two districts, and the district leaders just swapped districts, so we got a new district leader this week. His name is Elder Scott from California and he is a pole vaulter! and we wake up early three times a week to have sports or double dutch at the chapel! haha the most common sport is basketball, which is funny because I am terrible, but Elder Ferris is shaping me into a basket ball champion! Who would have known what is learned on the mission.
     But more than just sports is learned, this week I relearned to appreciate the Sabbath, we had one of the most amazing sacrament meetings. It was about the priesthood and they asked a priest and a member of the elders quorum and high priest quorum to speak about the duties of the priesthood! I look up to all of my leaders in the priesthood that have fulfilled their roles! Its truly amazing, the priesthood is restored on the earth again today! and it was reconfirmed to me again while sitting in the chapel listening to a priest talk! I love the gospel
Also this week my companion and I were asked to speak at a ward missionary fireside for on of the neighbouring wards! I was pretty nervous and first but our topic was the Good Shepard! so I basically just got to bear my testimony about how Jesus Christ is our saviour and will always lead us to safety (hymn number 108) all we have to do is listen to his voice, which we can learn to recognise through scripture study, prayer, and attending church.  the gospel is simple enough for a child to grasp, but complex enough to study it for a life time! Christ lives! and he loves us and will never lead us astray! tune into his voice.
Love Elder Wiser

yay packages from home! I got that package that was sent before Christmas from the family and grandma! and I also got shayna's package!!!!! thank you all so much love you

This is future President and sister larkin, they were called to serve as mission president and wife in the martial islands! they are so amazing! so I got a picture with them, they were on a conference all with our new mission president President Vidmar!

And this is what I saw on the computer down in Australia!

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